Apple TV 4K 32GB 2017 MQD22LL/A Digital HDR Media Streamer - Newest Generaation
ID: 202208955632
Auction price: $139.99
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Time left: 8d 10h
Buy it now: $139.99
January 29, 2018 at 07:01PM
via eBay http://ift.tt/2Eq9dM5 http://ift.tt/2BkuzMz
We asked you about the best electric toothbrush over three years ago, and since then, there’s been a lot more innovation. There are app-enabled ones, silicone ones, even ones that have a subscription service. So, we’re coming back and wondering what you think the best electric toothbrush is, and why.
The Root Baltimore Cops Kept Toy Guns to Plant Just in Case They Shot an Unarmed Person | Adequate Man Which Industry Has The Worst Jargon? | Jezebel Mark Salling Has Died By Apparent Suicide | Earther Scott Pruitt’s First Senate Oversight Hearing Was a Total Sham | Splinter The Full Email From Columbia University…
We see a lot of deals around the web over on Kinja Deals, but these were our ten favorites today.
I have a Google Doc page always open on my browser. On it are headers marked “pizza,” “burgers,” “casseroles,” “pies,” dips,” on and on. Under each section, I list established dishes and imagine how those flavors might taste in an alternate form. Such as: Korean fried chicken pizza. Carne asada ramen. Caramelized…
You’ve got problems, I’ve got advice. This advice isn’t sugar-coated—in fact, it’s sugar-free, and may even be a little bitter. Welcome to Tough Love.
We’ve all got a money habit or two we could stand to change.
Amazon’s Alexa may have more “skills” and connect with more services, but when it comes to artificial intelligence smarts, Google Assistant has the competition beat (sorry Siri, it’s not even close).
Thirty one-year-old Andrew Koretz just emailed me about his new company, “Garage Time,” which apparently allows anyone to rent out unused garage space to people who just need a place to wrench. It actually sounds like a great idea.
If there’s one personal finance mantra that everyone can agree on, it’s decrease your discretionary spending. Skip those lattes! Pack those lunches! Wait until the movie’s on Netflix!
We start sorting things as kids: Hot Wheels, pencils, the cutest boys in class. We organize our rooms just so, and get mad when our parents mess them up. And we develop new sorting habits as we grow up, some useful (chronological tax documents) and some embarrassing (alphabetized bottles of hot sauce).
$100 might seem like a lot to invest in a toothbrush, but the Oral-B Pro 7500 includes multiple brushing modes, a Bluetooth connection that gives you real time feedback and advice on your phone, and even an LED ring built into the handle that glows in different colors to tell you when it’s time to switch quadrants, or…
People often hurt the ones they love, and people who work with and around food are no exception. What other possible explanation could there be for cooks, bloggers, and content creators repeatedly subjecting the avocado to all sorts of heat-based tortures? Avocados need nothing more than a sprinkling of salt to be …
Over the weekend, we learned that hackers were using YouTube ads to take over computers and force them to mine cryptocurrency. These types of attacks (known as cryptojacking) are only becoming more common, but a closer look at the practice reveals that it’s usually tied to one particular currency: Monero.
The State of the Union seems like an unnecessary relic of a past era, when there was some distance between the American public and their representatives, when people didn’t know, for example, that the president paid off a porn star he had an affair with, or that we could figure out his policy priorities by switching…